Saturday, August 28, 2010

have'nt blogged

Hi everyone ! I'm sorry I'm sorry I'm sorry! I have not blogged for a long time but it's not my fault . It's summer fault for havin so many fun things 2 do in vaca! es and So anyways , schools almost back so this is my summer I went 2 wonderland twice and a lot of festivals and saw my brother stick his but at total strangers! It was histarical! OMG! And I have not told u about who I met this summer a skeleton ! HAHA LOLish ! OK NOT FUNNY! But it would b if I actually had! So for me since I'm muslim it's ramadan . For those who don't know what it is it's a celebration for muslims SOOOOOOOOOOOO they have 2 fast for a day without eating anything and pray a lot! I am at the age where u should start ,all my friends do it everyday. Me , I've only done it four times ... in a month ! So at the end we have an eid where u get money and new clothes and for little kids , toys ! So it's fun and all but trust me after a while u get tired of always having takeout or fries cool food 2 eat so yeah
ciao 4 now